When using our services and our web pages you might be asked to give your personal data. Your personal data will be strictly used in accordance with the data protection laws applicable in Croatia. The personal data and information presented in the presentation are used in the standard procedures with the main purpose of processing your request. Processing and use of your data for consultation, advertising and marketing research is only possible with your explicit consent. If during providing of your data to the previously marked purposes you also give the consent that your information can be used by other parties in the organization or additionaly added third party, they can be provided to those parties. If you do not give your consent, your data will not be transferred to anyone.

You can claim the details of your personal data and for them to be deleted by contacting the responsible person via e-mail, post or tel.number which you can find in the Impressum.

Collecting and processing of anonymous data

Using of cookies

Cookie is a small text file that stores and saves your Internet settings. Almost every web page is using this technology. During your first visit to a certain web page your web browser exports that file in your device. At your next visit to the same page on the same device, the cookie and with it the information saved, is being send back to the page that has created it (First Party Cookie) or on some other page that it belong to (Third Party Cookie). With that, the page knows that it has been opened on that device and in that browser so sometimes it shows the different content then it did during the first visit.

The biggest part of the cookies that we use are being deleted automatically from your device after you are finished with browsing (Session Cookies). We also use cookies that after the session has ended remain on your device. The most common reason is to improve your experience on our website and to adjust the display to your needs and thus optimize the page loading time. This data can not be linked to an individual user because they are collected exclusively anonymously.

Cookie settings

Your Internet browser can be configurated so that the cookies are accepted only with your consent or that they are completely rejected. Here we have to warn that it may happen that without the use of the cookies, areas or indivdual parts of the page may have a limited function or can not be used at all.

You have the possibility to control the use of cookies, or blocking them by adjusting your browser settings.

Implementing of the social network plugins (add on) (Social Plugins)


Facebook plugins are being used on our websites. For that we use the „Like“ button. It’s an offer from American company Facebook Inc. . (1601S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304 SAD). By visiting one of our web pages that contains such add on (plug in) you won’t be brought in connection with this company. That will happen only after you give your explicit consent that will be asked from you after you click on the appropriate field.

The purpose and the scope of collecting and further processing and using of the data which Facebook are using ,as with it your associated rights and privacy settings can be found under the data protection of Facebook on their site:

If you do not want Facebook data collected through our websites to join your Facebook account, please log out of Facebook before using our sites. You can also block Facebook add-ons with the help of add-ons (Add on) for your browser, for example with „Facebook Blocker“ (

More on Privacy policy and Terms and Conditions.

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