Today, correcting any dental or jaw irregularities is something that can be done in any age, so everyone can have beautiful and even teeth – recently there is an increase in orthodontic patients over 50 years of age! Orthodontic therapy doesn’t only solve esthetical but also functional and health issues like increased dental attrition or jaw muscle and joint pain.
Visit Smile Studio, require an orthodontic diagnosis and find out which possible therapies are available for you or your child.



During your first appointment at the Smile Studio, our orthodontist will acquaint you with the problem and its possible solutions and alternatives.


During the second appointment we will take your dental impression and after a detailed analysis of the x-ray scans and plaster models, we will suggest a detailed plan for the orthodontic therapy and compile a corresponding price offer.


If you accept the offer, we can start the orthodontic therapy.

DURATION OF THE THERAPY depends on the type of treated anomaly, as well as on the type of the orthodontic appliance (braces) that is used for the therapy in question. Usually we are dealing with a period of 18 +/- 6 months.

CONTROL APPOINTMENTS During the therapy it is very important to schedule regular control appointments with your orthodontist.


After the completed orthodontic therapy, the teeth have a tendency to return to their original position. This is why it is very important to wear a retainer.


What are the uses of an orthodontic therapy?

There are multiple advantages to an orthodontic therapy. By correcting inherent dental and skeletal anomalies you can restore a proper bite. Results of the therapy are visible through the esthetics of the smile and face, but they are also a requirement for the health of dental support structures, as well as the entire nervous system.
To be more precise, orthodontic therapy improves patient’s self-respect and quality of life while, at the same time, decreasing the risk of jaw muscle and joint pain, cavity, gum receding, dental attrition and wear.

How will I know what is the best solution for me?

Every individual is unique by the discernibility of their orthodontic anomaly, their musculature, skeletal and craniofacial characteristics, their age and also by their response to the orthodontic therapy. Only a detailed and comprehensive diagnosis can lead to an appropriate therapy plan and achieving the optimal individual results.

The diagnostic process starts with an appointment at the clinic, during which we estimate the extensiveness of the problem, the optimal time to start the therapy as well as patient’s preparedness and motivation when it comes to oral hygiene and regaining dental health. Based on the diagnostic results (check-up appointment, case history, plaster model, x-ray and other) it is possible to compile a detailed analysis that is used to determine an individual therapy plan.

Every aspect of the problem and the particularities of the therapy (causes and individual orthodontic anomalies, goals and suggested solutions, possible alternatives, advantages, possible risks and limits of the treatment, characteristics of the orthodontic appliance and its application as well as financial aspects of the therapy) will be discussed with the patient before starting the treatment.

Is wearing braces unpleasant?

Wearing a fixed or removable orthodontic appliance isn’t painful, but you may feel a mild pressure and discomfort for the first several days. At the beginning of the therapy, each patient is provided detailed instructions and a professional set for maintaining oral hygiene.

How often do I need to have check-ups?

Control appointments are usually scheduled ever 6-8 and sometimes even 10 weeks. Urgent situations are rare, especially if the patient follows the instructions for using and maintaining the orthodontic appliance.

How long do I have to wear fixed braces?

Duration of the fixed orthodontic therapy is individual, it depends on the problem, patient’s age and the response to the therapy, but it usually lasts for 18-24 months. The duration may depend on:

· The type of the anomaly – the more relocation the teeth require, the longer the therapy e.g. it may depend on whether the premolars have been extracted or not
· Patient’s age – therapy is usually shorter with young patients that are still growing and developing. While ageing, number of bone cells decreases along with the tissue blood flow, which makes the therapy last longer
· Regular control appointments
· Number of lost brackets – every bracket that falls out, prolongs the therapy for 4-6 weeks since the tooth starts returning to its original position and it is impossible to replace the wire with a new stronger one. In this case it is necessary to go back to the initial wire setup

How many hours a day do I need to wear the removable appliance?

The removable orthodontic appliance needs to be worn at least 14 hours a day.

Will the results of therapy be permanent?

Depending on the anomaly, the teeth can have a higher or lower tendency to return to their original position. In order to increase the stability of the achieved results we recommend wearing a retainer (special removable appliance meant for keeping the teeth in the attained position) during the night.

When is it recommended to bring a child to an orthodontic appointment?

The first orthodontic appointment is recommended at the ages of 7-8 and even earlier if you notice an orthodontic anomaly. Early therapy has numerous advantages since the anomaly is usually treated before it even fully develops and in that way you can avoid longer, more complex and expensive treatments. During the growth period it is possible to efficiently correct skeletal malformations and bite problems and in that way decrease the need for extracting permanent teeth or other surgical procedures. In addition to that, the cooperation of our little patient is usually better in this period compared to puberty. By observing the child since early years, the orthodontist can also observe the development of possible anomalies and choose the optimal time to treat them.

What if the child is already older?

When dealing with adolescents, best results are achieved through the use of fixed orthodontic appliances. During puberty it is possible to carry out lesser bite corrections. Modern diagnostic procedures and recent esthetic, self ligating systems enable a more efficient, quicker, more pleasant and more esthetically pleasing therapy.

What about the adults?

Lately orthodontics became more frequently used to solve problems in the adult stage, both in functional and esthetic correction as well as in the preparation for prosthetic, implant or surgical treatment. Patients with periodontal problems or with temporomandibular joint dysfunctions can also benefit from an orthodontic treatment.

What if I get cavity or dental tartar during therapy?

Cavity needs to be treated as soon as it is noticed. If the situation requires it, the orthodontist will remove the braces in order for the dentist to apply the necessary treatment. Dental tartar, however, can be treated without removing the braces.

It needs to be noted that the orthodontic therapy can only start when all teeth are healthy and all dental tartar has been removed.


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dr. Paravić is accepting reservations for procedures in early 2023 at the Smile Studio practice.

Book your free consultation or appointment between August 26 and 30 today!