Osobni pristup svakom pacijentu

Svakom pacijentu posvećujemo svu potrebnu pažnju kako bi u potpunosti razumjeli želje vezane za budući novi osmijeh . Smatramo da se samo na ovaj način mogu pravilno donositi dijagnoze i imati fokus na plan stomatološke terapije. Također, svakom pacijentu posvećujemo dovoljno vremena kako bismo mu objasnili što ćemo, kako i zašto raditi . Naš cilj je pronaći rješenje koje je optimalno za svakog pacijenta.

Tim stručnjaka i vrhunska tehnologija

Svaki stomatolog u našem timu opredijelio se za specijalizaciju u jednom ili najviše dva područja stomatologije, što znači da će vaše probleme uvijek rješavati najkvalificiraniji liječnik. To je ujedno i razlog zašto smo u mogućnosti rješavati i najsloženije slučajeve, a najmodernija tehnologija i oprema pomaže nam da to činimo na bolji, brži i lakši način.

Bezbolno i antistresno iskustvo

Svi znamo da odlazak stomatologu može biti stresno iskustvo pa smo poduzeli sve da to ne bude tako. Ordinacija Smile studia dizajnirana je na način da vas maksimalno opusti.
Osobnim pristupom, bojama, glazbom i mirnom atmosferom nastojimo ugoditi svim vašim čulima. Želimo naglasiti da prilikom svih naših zahvata upotrebljavamo anesteziju što jamči potpuno bezbolne postupke

Prevencija je bolja od liječenja

Svi postupci koji se obavljaju uvijek imaju za cilj prevenciju, maksimalnu zaštitu i očuvanje vaših prirodnih zubi. Veliku pažnju posvećujemo edukaciji pacijenata kako bismo im pomogli u postizanju i održavanju zdravlja usne šupljine.

Blistav osmijeh za novi početak

Na kraju vaše posjete Smile studiu imati ćete novi osmijeh i novi doživljaj stomatologije. Dovoljno da krenete na nova životna putovanja s osmijehom na licu.



PRGF-Endoret – plasma rich in growth factor

What is PRGF-Endoret?

PRGF-Endoret technology uses the substance known as plasma rich in growth factors. Our blood contains growth factors that are a key part in the healing process. When we isolate these growth factors and place them on the part that needs healing, the healing process is significantly accelerated. PRGF-Endoret technology enables us to use small blood contents to isolate growth factor and place it on a specific spot. Growth factors have a bacteriostatic effect and they also participate in pain repression. This substance is used in dermatology, traumatology, orthopedia, sports medicine, esthetic medicine and ophthamology. In dentistry, growth factors are applicable in the areas of surgery, implant dentistry and periodontology.

The procedure includes extracting a small quantity of blood just before the procedure. After the extraction, blood is centrifuged, dividing the plasma from the red and white blood cells. Plasma is the substance containing the growth factors that are then isolated, activated and used for achieving accelerated and quality healing of soft and hard tissue. In this way, we also decrease infection risk and avoid allergies.

Smile Studio’s dentists are all certified by the BTI institute (Vittoria-Gaseiz, Spain) in using PRGF-Endoret technology. Our specialists also attained necessary education from best lecturers and researchers in this field.

When do we use PRGF-Endoret technology?

At the Smile Studio we use PRGF-Endoret technology in following procedures:

· Tooth extraction – after extracting the tooth, previously occupied space now has a ‘hole’. This ‘hole’ is eventually filled up with bone tissue, but always with decreased bone height in that specific spot, which can negatively affect the implant attachment procedure or cause gum receding. By using growth factors the healing process is quicker and more substantial and complete. By using PRGF-Endoret, the hole will fill up with quality bone matter which will also eliminate or at least decrease the deficiency of the bone tissue on that spot.
· Implant attachment – used to improve the healing process and to accelerate the process of implant attachment. It also results in better bone quality around the implant. In this way, the implant surface is bioactivated and prepared for better attachment to bone cells.

What, precisely, does this mean for our patients?

We can renew the bone and quickly restore damaged tissue.
Using PRGF enables us to save teeth, which we would otherwise have to extract due to the lack of healing options.
This substance also enables the acceleration of implant attachment and healing tooth extraction wounds.

Što to konkretno znači za naše pacijente?

· Možemo obnoviti kost i velikom brzinom obnoviti oštećeno tkivo.
· Spasiti one zube koje smo, prije negoli smo koristili PRGF-om, morali vaditi, jer drugog rješenja nije bilo.
· Ubrzati srastanje implantata i zaraštanje rana kod izvađenog zuba.


Safety of our patients, as well as our staff, is our imperative

In order to offer our patients the highest level of safety, therapists in the Smile Studio place special attention on sterilization and disinfection. By using class B autoclaves (Eschmann and Euronda) we fulfill the most demanding criteria of sterilization as well as the strictest standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).

For each patient, we use single-use aspiration needles, suction tips, plastic cups, masks, medical gloves, dental polishing disks, needles, injections, gauze, cotton gauze…

The instruments that cannot be sterilized in the autoclave are used only once, and are disposed after use. After each patient, all surfaces (dental chair as well as other working surfaces) are disinfected using appropriate disinfectants.

By approaching sterilization and disinfection in this way, we achieve best working conditions and minimize the possibility of infection.

For manufacturing zircon crowns and bridges we use CAD-CAM technology (Computer-aided design – Computer-aided technology). Digital design enables the most precise method of manufacturing crowns and bridges (manufactured by a Swiss company Nobel Biocare – Nobel Procera) today.

When it comes to x-ray scans we use Kodak RVG 6100, a digital radiography system with the highest current resolution available at the market. This device and its technology enable us to make your x-ray scan immediately with 90% less radiation than standard devices.

Smile Studio dental clinic has certificates for the use of world known Nobel Biocare, Astra Tech and AlphaBio implant systems.

We use biomaterials (artificial bone and membrane) manufactured by the Geistlich and Botiss corporation, Swiss and German experts in that field.

The clinic has the international iTOP certificate (individually Taught Oral Prophylaxis) for maintaining dental and oral cavity health, issued by the Swiss company Curaprox.

For making fillings and prosthetic replacements we use only first rate materials; GC (Japan), Ivoclar (Liechtenstein) products and products from other top global companies.

For endodontic treatment we use the Micro-mega system endodontic machines (Entran and Injet) and root canal filling is done using the Soft-core heated gutta-percha.


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SEND US A QUERY OR CALL US AT +385 (0)51 678 678 OR 678 679

dr. Paravić is accepting reservations for procedures in early 2023 at the Smile Studio practice.

Book your free consultation or appointment between August 26 and 30 today!