Meet our team of friendly and devoted staff lead by accomplished dentists with extensive experience.

Dr. Tamara Kovačević Mikšić, DDS

Dr. Tamara Kovačević Mikšić, DDS, was born in Rijeka in 1971. She graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in the year 1997 with all honours. After passing the State Medical Licensing Examination and getting her license, she enrolled in the masters’ program in the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Zagreb. Even now, she is regularly taking additional education seminars, in order to offer her patients first-rate dental service. After 4 years of experience in a private dental clinic, she opened her own clinic in 2003. She is a member of the Croatian Dental Chamber. Mother of two, Mara and Dana, Dr Tamara is also a former Croatian skiing competitor and now a ski instructor. She also enjoys recreational tennis. Dr Tamara is fluent in both Italian and English language.

Dr. Damir Mikšić, DDS

Dr. Damir Mikšić, DDS was born in Switzerland in 1972. He graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in the University of Rijeka in 1997 with all honours. After finishing college he continued his education both in the Croatia and abroad (Rijeka, Zagreb, Milan, Vienna, Berlin, Lisbon…), gaining knowledge from world known professors like dr Lindhe, dr Dragoo, dr Jovanovich, dr Curilović, dr Malo, dr Anitua and many others, which can be affirmed by numerous diplomas hanging in his office. He is a member of the Croatian Dental Chamber, Croatian Society of Dental Implantology and Croatian Nobel BioCare team. He is certified to provide Astra and Nobel Biocare implant systems. Dr Damir also writes articles and columns in the magazine ‘Burza’. Together with his wife, he’s been a co-owner of a dental clinic since 2003.

A father of two girls, he is also a tennis coach and former competitor in the Croatian Premier Tennis League. In his free time he enjoys cycling. He speaks English, Italian and German language.

Dr. Dilvio Ferreri, DDS Orthodontics specialist

Dr. Silvio Ferreri DMD, orthodontics specialist, was born in the year 1967 in Rijeka. He graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in 1993, got his MA in 1996 and his PhD in 2002. In the year 1995 he began his academic career by working as an assistant professor for the Orthodontics course. Since the year 2005, he has been the head of the Department for Clinical Paedodontics and a deputy chief of the Dental Polyclinic at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka where he is also head of the Department of Orthodontics. He’s the owner and director of a private specialist orthodontic clinic since the year 2008. He became an orthodontics specialist in 2004 when he graduated from a three year specialization program at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Zagreb. Dr Silvio regularly attends various education centers in Europe and America.

He is also the author of numerous publishing in science and dentistry magazines, in addition to participating in around hundred dentistry symposia, often as a lecturer. He is a member of various Croatian and international dental organizations. In his professional career he is mainly in charge of orthodontics, even though he is actively following the development of the entire dental profession.

Dr. sc. Silvio Ferreri, dr. stom. spec. ortodont

Dr. sc. Silvio Ferreri, specijalist ortodont, rođen je 1967. u Rijeci. Diplomirao na studiju stomatologije 1993., magistrirao 1996., a doktorirao 2002. godine. 1995. započinje sveučilišnu karijeru kao asistent na kolegiju Ortodoncija. Od 2005. godine pročelnik je Katedre za kliničku pedodonciju i zamjenik ravnatelja Stomatološke poliklinike Medicinskog fakulteta gdje vodi Odjel za ortodonciju. Od 2008. godine je vlasnik i direktor privatne specijalističke ortodontske ordinacije. Ortodonciju je specijalizirao 2004. godine, nakon trogodišnjeg programa specijalizacije pri Stomatološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Posjećuje razne edukativne centre u Europi i Americi.

Autor je brojnih publikacija u stručnim i znanstvenim časopisima, sudjelovao je na stotinjak stručnih skupova, često kao predavač. Član je raznih domaćih i međunarodnih strukovnih udruga. Osim hrvatskog, odlično vlada talijanskim i engleskim jezikom. U svojoj profesionalnoj karijeri prvenstveno se bavi ortodoncijom iako prati i usvaja napretke cjelovite stomatološke struke.

Sanja Radojčić-dentalna asistentica

Sanja Radojčić
dental assistant



Nina Raguzin-recepcija

Nina Raguzin

Sara Mrkić-recepcija

Sara Mrkić


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dr. Paravić is accepting reservations for procedures in early 2023 at the Smile Studio practice.

Book your free consultation or appointment between August 26 and 30 today!